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A Young Enterpreneur Indonesia, Merry Riana

A Young Enterpreneur Indonesia, Merry Riana Mart 23, 2013 at 15:00 A success story from Merry Riana, A young enterpreneur Indonesia             Who is Merry Riana...? She is a succeded enterpreneur on young age. A Speaker, Trainer and the first woman Motivator in Asia. Merry is also author and one of her book is “Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” will make a film soon. This book about effort at a young person that her life is so concerned with enough money and try to survive from life pressure untill she will be billioner in young age. Monatary crisis and disturbance were held at 1998 made Merry Riana that should study at Trisakti University, canceled her plan to continued her study at Indonesia dan prefer to study at Singapore for avoid something that she did not want (Merry Riana from Tionghoa family). She was not from rich family and when she was colllege student she brought scholarship fund from Government of Singapore Bank as big as $40.00 and she must pay after she graduated from her c

I Am Increadible Because My Weaknesses

I Am Increadible Because My Weaknesses Happy New Year mas Aga, mas Oka, ci Mel, and everyone. I hope your new year 2016 eve unforgetable. I am very happy can join EME after we had holiday 3 days. Last thursday was fifth meeting for Joy’s Class and the teacher was mas oka, at the end of meeting mas Oka gave us a home work. That was to tell about our weakness and how do we cover it. Now I am ready to tell you about my weaknesses. Actually everyone has weaknesses but not everyone can cover it with good things or something good. Someone can take the weakness to be better and success but another side someone take they weakness to get something what their want, I thing it is dangerous because if someone take his/her weaknesses to negatif thing. It will make problems to other and wrong understanding to something. I hope I can take my weaknesses to be success. My weakness are hurrying, my mood is unstable, talkative, yeah maybe just it. At the time I want to be better than ago so now I

Technology in my mind

TECHNOLOGY             Nowdays, technology is important thing for human life from children until adult very need technology especially for comunication, what is that? Yeah that is handphone. At the time handphone just tool for message, call just it but now it use more than for chat and call because development technology influnce benefit from handphone, we can use it for take a picture, listening music, video call, recording, browsing, money transaction and many thing we can do use our handphone depends on application we are used or we are familiar with smartphone. Why it calls smartphone? Because it can use many things, it likes expalained above.             Development technology can take bad things and good things. What is the bad things? The bad things are we will be individualist because we must concrente on our smartphone with what we are doing and we ignore our environment, it makes we are dependence with our smartphone like to get informations, knowledges, news, or our soc

My Incredible Live (The first writing)

This Is My Incredible Live             Hello, Good day Mas aga? Before I tell you about my incredible life I am very thankful to you for this homework. I am so happy and very enthusiastic to do this homework. I really want to be better at english. So I hope you, ci Mel, mas Oka, mba Jejen, mba L and mba FO are patient to face me. Maybe I will be talkative, ask you many tips, tasks, questions, etc. I think positively if I practise more and keep the spirit, I will master English. Amin.             Ok welcome to my life. I am the last child and I have two siblings, both of them are female. I was born in orchid room at Soldier Hospital Magelang. My parents used the room’s name to make my last name. It is Anggraini. It means anggrek or orchid and my middle name has two meanings Fi  is a part or my father’s name “isroFI” and TRI is I am the third child. My first name is Dewi, it means a beautiful girl with a kind heart. So my full name is Dewi Fitri Anggraini. People around me usually c


GEOLOGIST DAY Geologists Day is a professional holiday of geologists, hydrogeologists, engineering geologists, geophysicistsand geochemists. It is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of April. The establishment of this holiday was initiated by a group of prominent Soviet geologists headed by academician Alexander Yanshin. Following their initiative, the Geologists Day was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on March 31, 1966 to commemorate the achievements of Soviet geologists after discovery of the West Siberian petroleum province. The timing of the holiday, the first Sunday in April, was chosen because it marks the end of winter and beginning of preparation for summer field work and expeditions. Geologists Day is traditionally celebrated in almost all geological and mining organizations of the former Soviet Union with festivities starting at the end of preceding week. With tens of thousands of geologists from the former Soviet Union working

TEKNIK KOMUNIKASI : CONTOH PROPOSAL PENELITIAN (komponen-komponen proposal penelitian)

PROPOSAL PENELITIAN 1.       Judul “Pengaruh Sesar Terhadap Kestabilan Lereng untuk Indikasi Gerakan Tanah Daerah Grabag, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa tengah” 2.       Tujuan -           Mengetahui jenis sesar pada daerah tersebut. -           Mengetahui pengaruh sesar terhadap kestabilan lereng. -           Menginterpretasi bencana gerakan tanah dengan adanya sesar yang ada. 3.       Objek Daerah                                     : Grabag, Kabupaten Magelang Jawa Tengah Gejala Geologi                        : Sesar, Kelerengan Dasar Pengambilan Data         : Struktur sesar, kelerengan, morfologi 4.       Latar Belakang Geologi            : Berdasarkan Peta Geologi Lembar Magelang dan Semarang, Jawa (Thaden dkk., 1996), secara regional lokasi gerakan tanah disusun oleh batuan dari Batuan Gunungapi Gilipetung (Qg) yang terdiri dari aliran lava berongga, kelabu, padat sampai berbutir halus dengan fenokris mafik kecil. Tanah pelapukan di lokasi gerakan tana

ILMU LINGKUNGAN- Pencemaran Lingkungan

Pemerintah Ancam Akan Ambil Alih Lahan Terbakar Rabu, 17 Juni 2015 | 16:46 WIB Achmad Subechi/ ILUSTRASI: Kebakaran hutan di Kalimantan Timur JAKARTA,  - Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang mengancam akan mencabut dan merevisi izin perusahaan perkebunan yang lahan tidak dapat mencegah kebakaran lahan di wilayahnya. Caranya, Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang akan mengambil alih seluruh lahan yang terbakar untuk negara. Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala BPN Ferry Mursyidan Baldan mengatakan, pihaknya akan menindak tegas perusahaan yang tidak dapat mencegah lahannya dari kebakaran. Tindakan tersebut berupa merevisi kembali izin Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) yang diberikan kepada perusahaan yang lahannya terbakar. "Klausulnya, bila lahannya terbakar maka saya akan membatalkan izin HGU atau mengurangi sebagian lahan dengan merevisi izin HGU," ujar Ferry, Rabu (17/6/2015). Ferry menjelaskan, misalkan sebuah perusahaan perkebunan mendapatkan izin HGU s