A Young Enterpreneur Indonesia, Merry Riana

A Young Enterpreneur Indonesia, Merry Riana
Mart 23, 2013 at 15:00
A success story from Merry Riana, A young enterpreneur Indonesia
            Who is Merry Riana...? She is a succeded enterpreneur on young age. A Speaker, Trainer and the first woman Motivator in Asia. Merry is also author and one of her book is “Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” will make a film soon. This book about effort at a young person that her life is so concerned with enough money and try to survive from life pressure untill she will be billioner in young age. Monatary crisis and disturbance were held at 1998 made Merry Riana that should study at Trisakti University, canceled her plan to continued her study at Indonesia dan prefer to study at Singapore for avoid something that she did not want (Merry Riana from Tionghoa family). She was not from rich family and when she was colllege student she brought scholarship fund from Government of Singapore Bank as big as $40.00 and she must pay after she graduated from her college and work.
            This fund extremly minimum, because after she counted it. She just had $10 for one week. For judgment Merry approaches with eat instant mie in the morning, and she ate 2 slice bread for lunch without jam, joined seminar and society at the night so day for day she got free food, even for a drink she took some water from tap at her campus. This situation always she did it almost every day for first year when she was in college. Her life that extremly pay attention make her pushing for looking for ultimate besides her studied at college. From she divided brosur/pamflet on the road, to be clerk at flower shop, and to be Banquet waitress at hotel.
            Until her 20th birthday, Merry Riana made resolution to “ Get Finansial Freedom Before 30th years old”
            She tried to open thesis business, MLM business, tried to share investation, that all of done wth failure, until at the end she is succesfull to be Financial consultant that she sell financials products and banking like insurance, credit card,fixed deposit, savings etc and all of them made she got ultimate $1.000.000 at 26th years old. Media in through shared her success story and Merry Riana to be famous in the short time as a successed woman enterpreneur and to be motivator for sharing her knowledge and success tips in order that everyone can be success people. Now, Merry Riana has dream to give positive impact for one million people in the Asia, especially in Indonesia. The excemple is launched her bookm “ Mimpi Sejuta Dolar” that very inspirative and will be appointed to box office movie.

“You can take me out from Indonesia, but you can never take Indonesia out from me”- Merry Riana. 

Alhamdulillah, I can post my fouth writing. Actually this is my homework from my course.I might late an article from ahasa to English. I am still learning so I did it as well as I can.
so please correct me if I did many mistakes.
thank you :)


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